Twenty Age Teeth
As we all know, the most recent teeth in our mouths are the third molars. They usually begin to drive between the ages of 17 and 25. Whether these teeth are left in the mouth is controversial. If they move in the correct position and do not damage the surrounding tissues, it is safe to keep the tooth in place. A tooth with an abnormal position fused to the jawbone (determined by X-rays) can be decided by taking into account the damage caused by the future. In cases of stenosis of the dental arch, the continuation of the tooth can be attached to the gums and other adjacent tooth bumps.
What are the conditions that require the extraction of the wisdom tooth?
· ROTE: Saliva, bacteria and food particles accumulate in the nest that the new tooth opens, threatening both the female and the molar tooth. This type of caries is difficult to recognize and to treat. Pain and infection leading to heavy tables resulting in abscess can occur.
· DISEASE DISEASE (pericoronitis): A partially outgoing wisdom tooth has an infection focus in the gum where bacteria and food residues are stored. This condition is caused by bad breath, pain, edema and trismus. Infection can spread through cheeks and cheeks. The prone to this infection around the wisdom tooth is a candidate to be easily infected every time. (See Gum Diseases)
· PRESSURE PAIN: If pressure is applied to the neighboring teeth during riding, pain may also be felt due to compression. In some cases, this pressure causes wear.
PRESSURE PAIN: If pressure is applied to the neighboring teeth during sliding, pain may also be felt due to compression. In some cases, this pressure causes wear.
• ORTHODONTIC CAUSES: Many young people are being treated with orthodontic treatment to correct their teeth. Since the pressure of the twenty-year teeth will be reflected on the other teeth, there is also a movement in the other teeth, and the densities may increase.
· PROSTHESIS OF THE PROSTHESIS: It is necessary to take into account the wisdom teeth in a mouth planned for prosthesis planning. Because, after taking the wisdom tooth, it will be necessary to make a new prosthesis according to the changing mouth structure.
· Cyst formation: Cystic cases caused by a buried tooth were observed. The cyst causes bone destruction, widening of the jaw, and displacement or damage to the surrounding teeth. Teeth must be removed and the cyst removed to prevent bone destruction. Rarely, this cyst can spread to very large areas, which may turn into tumors or cause spontaneous breaks in the jawbone.
Why should a bad-position wisdom tooth be pulled out, even if it doesn't cause any discomfort? Disruption of the position of the tooth alone is sufficient reason for infection. in such a case the mentioned problems will be experienced. Moreover, such problems develop suddenly and unexpectedly.
· They can be found in areas that are difficult to reach with wisdom teeth, brushes and dental floss. Over time, bacteria, acid and food residues that cause decay are collected in this region. If the tooth is not restored with rotting and filling, the tooth will soon become inflamed.
· Because it is difficult to keep the teeth clean, accumulated bacteria and food residues can cause bad bad breath.
· A buried tooth in the horizontal (vertically deflected) position under the gingiva creates a pressure that will result in movement, tightening and skew of the other teeth.
Bacteria collected under the gums that cover the buried tooth cause infection.
What is the best time for drawing wisdom teeth? An improperly positioned tooth should be withdrawn between the ages of 14 and 22 years of age. Operations at younger ages are technically easier and recovery is quicker. Operations over the age of 40 become quite difficult. In addition, as the age increases, the side effects also increase and the recovery period is prolonged.
In cases of acute-active infection (pericoronitis) can it be pulled? Usually not. If the infection is interfered in a situation where infection occurs, the infection spreads to the environment, wound healing is late and difficult. The infection is controlled by local oral hygiene, antibiotics and sometimes by pulling the wisdom tooth in the opposite jaw.
Is it different from other tooth shots? Depending on the position, shape and size of the wisdom tooth, the degree of difficulty of the procedure to be applied changes. After a simple shot, there may be a slight swelling, pain, and bleeding. Some complex shots that require more special operations can also be applied. Your dentist's precautions and recommendations will minimize side effects.
Following this take-off, there may be a malfunction of the recovery socket. Blood does not accumulate in the gravitational cavity and pain may also develop. In a few days, the situation will be corrected. If the recommendations of the dentist are followed, this event may not be encountered at all.
As the bone structure intensifies and flexibility decreases, the recovery is slowed.
Post-operation care
Post-operation care
· The wound area should not be tampered with. Or you may develop pain, infection or bleeding.
· Do not chew by that side for the first 24 hours.
· Smoking should not be used for the first 24 hours. Because smoking increases the bleeding and disturbs the healing.
· It should not be consumed. Otherwise, the bleeding increases and the clot can move.
· Bleeding should be checked. If stitches are not taken, buffer is made with sterile gauze. The buffer should be kept in the mouth for half an hour for clot formation. If bleeding continues after the tampon is removed, a new one is placed.
· Control of the bulge. By applying a cold tampon to the region after the operation, the circulation is slowed and the swelling of the face is prevented. The application should be as follows: 20 minutes cold buffer - 20 minutes interval - 20 minutes cold buffer periods.
· After the first 24 hours, mouthwash mouth should be done every 2 hours with warm salt water. 1 cup of warm water is prepared by putting 1 teaspoon of salt.