dental x-ray
What is a dental x-ray? Dental x-ray is a picture of teeth, bones and gums showing invisible parts of the clinic.
For what purpose is dental x-ray taken from my child? A dental x-ray is a way to help the dentist diagnose problems with teeth or jaws. For example, only large bruises can be diagnosed by intra-oral examination, but starting caries can be detected with x-rays. Or, which tooth of the abscess in the mouth, dental defects, root fractures, cysts or tumors can be detected by x-rays.
Does dental x-ray harm my child? The radiation emitted from the dental X-ray taken by modern techniques and methods is minimal. Therefore, there is no harm to the child from the radiation emitted by dental X-ray. On the contrary, the benefit from the x-ray is very high.
How many dental x-rays can be taken? Two types of dental x-rays can be performed, mainly in and out of the mouth. In the X-rays taken from outside the mouth, the film is placed outside the mouth and the x-rays taken through the mouth are placed into the mouth of the film. In general, films placed in the mouth can be followed by several teeth and surrounding tissues, while a larger area including jaw bones is observed with the films placed outside the mouth.