Obesity is a chronic disease which is generally explained by the increase in body fat mass compared to lean body mass. If the daily energy is more than the energy consumed, the energy that cannot be spent is stored as fat in the body and causes the formation of obesity.
Today, the second most important cause of preventable deaths after smoking is the preparation of many health problems such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, diabetes, some types of cancer, diseases of the respiratory system, musculoskeletal diseases and affects the quality of life negatively. While the World Health Organization (WHO) considered obesity as one of the 10 most risky diseases, the recent research conducted by the same organization found that obesity was closely related to cancer.
The most important risk factors of obesity are; decreased physical activity, dietary habits, age, gender, education level, marriage, number of births and genetics. Obesity, which may also be inherited, is rapidly spreading especially in developed and developing countries. In our country, 20.9 percent of women are obese. In males, this ratio is 13.7 percent. In total, the obesity rate in Turkey is 17%.
It is known that obesity, which is the most important place in health expenditures together with the diseases it causes, is closely related to many chronic diseases. Therefore, the knowledge of the factors and treatment options of obesity is important to determine the ideal treatment of obesity and its complications.
The treatment of obesity is a long and continuous process that requires treatment, which requires the determination and effective participation of the individual. The efficacy of many factors in the etiology of obesity makes the prevention and treatment of this disease extremely difficult and complicated. For this reason, a team of physicians, dietitians, psychologists and physiotherapists is needed to treat obesity.
The aim of obesity treatment is to decrease the risk of morbidity and mortality related to obesity, to gain an adequate and balanced nutrition habit and to improve the quality of life. A 10% reduction in body weight over a 6-month period provides significant benefit in preventing health problems caused by obesity.